Why I hate glass façades

Cities grow, people travel and corporations grow bigger and bigger. Older buildings are not enough to carry the weight of the busy citizens, new constructions are needed. The historical low…

U8 – Cultural Heritage

Cultural heritage  What is heritage?  It is the set of assets that something or someone inherits. When it is cultural it is because it regards culture itself. Culture can be…

U7- Sustainability in Architecture

Sustainability in Architecture Sustainability in architecture has its key elements and points. These are; Basic concepts, Healthy Buildings, Climate-human being, Sustainable design, Materials, Let's not be fooled. Basic concepts -…

U3/4-Architecture through history

The origins (1.600.000 - 200.000 B.C) Australopithecus - The first humanoids to appear in africa. They had no knowledge of fire and did not need shelter. The new evolved homo…